
A Europe Made of Money.

The Emergence of the European Monetary System. LSE review of books

Are Irish voters moving to the left?

Irish Political Studies
With Stefan Müller

Democratic Tensions in the Eurozone .

Trajectories of Labour Market Reform in the Core and Peripheral regions of Europe.

Explaining Corporatist Policymaking: Weak Government or Strong Executive?

The Role of State Elites in Italy, Ireland and Korea

Housing prices and wealth inequality in Western Europe.

West European Politics
With Alison Johnston and Greg Fuller

Ireland: life after social partnership.

ETUI chapter
With Roland Erne and Vincenzo Maccarone 

Is the European Union Capable of Integrating Diverse Models of Capitalism?

New Political Economy 
Edited special issue with Alison Johnston

It takes two to tango: Mortgage markets, labor markets and rising household debt in Europe.

Review of International Political Economy 
With Alison Johnston and Greg Fuller  

New approaches to political economy.

Socio-Economic Review

New Spirits of Capitalism: Crises, Justifications and Dynamics

Editors; Paul de Gay and Glen Morgan. Forthcoming in 'Perspectives on Politics'.

Political Tensions in Euro-Varieties of Capitalism.

The Fiscal Crisis of the Democratic State in Europe

The Core Executive and Policy Coordination.

From Cabinet Government to Delegated Governance (co-authored with Niamh Hardiman and Mary Shayne)

The Myth of Economic Convergence in the EMU.

LSE European Politics and Policy

The Political Economy of FDI-led Growth in Ireland

Oxford University Press
Book chapter
With Samuel Brazys 

The political economy of fiscal policy in Ireland.

Oxford University Press
Book chapter
With Stephen Kinsella 

The Political Economy of Income and Wealth Distribution in Ireland.

Oxford University Press
Book chapter
With Micheál Collins

The Rise and Fall of Irish Social Partnership.

Doctoral dissertation, PhD Public Policy, University College Dublin

The Role of Corporate Tax in Ireland’s Foreign Direct Investment Growth Model...

Greens/EFA group, Brussels,
Research report
With Samuel Brazys 

The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberlism .

Regan, Aidan. "Book Review: The Strange Non-Death of Neoliberalism." Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research 19.3 (2013): 431-433.